February 27th, 2024

Introducing R Kernels in Julius

By Alex Kuo · 8 min read

We are excited to announce the launch of R kernels in Julius. Users can now do data analysis, data science, statistics and computations with R using the latest AI models in Julius.

Until now Julius did all its computation and code generation in Python. We heard from tons of our users who wished to do advanced statistical and data analysis in R but lacked the expertise to use it. They asked if Julius could support R besides Python and we heard them.

Julius now offers two kernels:

When R code runtime is selected, Julius will write and execute R code to perform your analysis.

Julius can do tasks like data cleaning, descriptive statistics, plotting & graphing as well as implement advanced statistical methods from ANOVA to Linear Regression with R.

Here’s Julius performing clustering on the PBMC dataset:

Like a human data scientist, Julius can iterate, debug and fix errors in its own code.

Julius’s R code runtimes come preinstalled with popular libraries like ggplot2, tidyverse, deplyr, seurat, and more, enabling users to save time wrestling with dependency conflicts.

However, you can also easily prompt Julius to install new packages:

Users can choose between latest AI models like GPT-4o, GPT-4 Turbo and Claude 3 Opus for generating R code for your analysis.

We’re really excited to bring this capability to the Julius user community. For any questions or press inquiries, please feel free to reach out to team@julius.ai.

Share your thoughts and feedback about this new capability in our community forum: https://community.julius.ai.

Julius AI Team

From San Francisco, CA 🌉 ❤️

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